Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Falling Stars

So I messed up yesterday and left at 6:05 from the church instead of waiting for Jacob to come from Belle Chase.  Apparently the bridge was up which caused the delay and we did not go back and get him.  I had forgotten my phone at work which started the fiasco and that left me and everyone else without a life line.  I made the choice to leave when we did because I was worried about traffic and stuff.  I should have waited.  It is going to take more than an apology to smooth over the ruffled feathers but I hope to do that soon.
I need to do some planning with the young men for next year.  I need to put together a list of goals and objectives that I want to accomplish and then go to the Young men's presidency and present/ask for their help with this.  Then I need to get the young men to add their goals and objectives for the year and then with the new presidents of the Teachers and Deacons Quorums along with the two branch presidents sit down and allow the young men to present their plan.
I know that a plan and laid out activities are important but I want to be able to set up everything within reason including the lessons that will be taught each Sunday.  I hope that this will set up the program to run more smoothly.  I also hope that through this planning I can figure out a better way to connect with the young men.  I fell very inadequate because I choose to leave one behind.  I wonder if I am leaving others behind.  Michael has not been coming to church recently, Jacob comes for the first hour but does not stay very often, Kaden is absent all of the time, Kenneth is there but I am not sure if I am connecting with him, Zach comes Sunday but hates scouting so he does not come on Tuesdays, Patrick comes and participates but I do not know how deep his testimony is, Garell is coming but he and Wilmer like to text and talk.  All of these young men need more from me.  I want to see all of them be successful and I need Heavenly Fathers guidance to do better and to be better.  I can not just float on my own and think that what I do is enough.  I need to get Jason and Jake involved and I need to let the boys learn how to lead by letting them lead.
How did I learn how to lead?  My parents gave me more freedom or I should say that I found more freedom because I was able to go out with friends, work at an early age, and enjoyed the friendship of other great individuals.

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