Friday, January 16, 2015

Water bed

We moved from one house to another and one community to another as my Dad got a new job after finishing his masters degree in Public Administration from BYU. We went from a small community to an even smaller one on the other side of the Uinta Mountains. We moved into a very old home that needed a lot of work. The home had the master bedroom at the front of the house next to the living room and a back bedroom that was also was where the washer and dryer went. To get upstairs we took a very old staircase that turned two corners before coming out on a landing area. The roof was pitched fairly high in this space and there were two unfinished bedrooms one if you continued down the landing and one that was a step down from the landing area. We made the landing area our toy room and the bedroom straight ahead became my older sisters room. This was the first and I think only time that she had a room to herself. I and my two younger brothers shared the other room. So floor space was 3 beds and two dressers and a maze. I don't remember which side off the room that I slept on but When my parents first bought the place and were moving in my Dad's younger brother came and stayed in the upstairs and said that raccoons got in during the night and woke him up, he didn't say whether he got scared or not but I bet he did. Dad fixed the holes where they thought the raccoons might have come from and added some insulation to the ceiling before we got to move in but it worked for us. The windows let in plenty of light but at night the big pine tree on the front side of the house would rub against the roof creating very scary sounds. It took a few nights to get used to this as the sounds we were used to before were the trains that went by our old house and the cars on the freeway nearby. There are not very many cars in the little town on the other side of the Uinta mountains. One of my uncles had an old water bed that he brought up to the house. My parents didn't use a water bed and so we got to play with it out in the yard. Now this water bed no longer had the frame just the part that held the water. We filled it with water from the hose and then would jump on it. It seemed like a huge balloon because as it warmed up the water bed expanded and made jumping on it even more fun. One day while jumping on the water bed we found that we could bounce each other off of the water bed if we jumped at the right angles or sat on the edge of the water bed. Well it was with great excitement as we realized that the smaller someone was the higher they went if two of us jumped at the same time. So we got the youngest brother, at the time, who might have been two and a half or almost three and had him sit on the edge of the water bed. He was very excited and when he said he was ready we, my older sister and younger brother, counted down from ten. The anticipation of watching the smallest of us was wonderful. I imagine that while we counted down we saw absolutely nothing wrong with our plan. We would have helped our brother fly. Well we got to one and all three of us jumped onto the other side of the water bed. We landed and watched as little brother was thrown into the air. His little arms were up in the air and he was smiling and laughing. He must have gone as high as our two story house, or so we thought. Then gravity took over and brought him back down. His arms starting doing a windmill to try to slow his decent but it had no affect. He landed hard on his arms and then rolled on the ground. He cried a little but he didn't want his older siblings to think that he couldn't handle it. Of course when someone cries mom's ears for mile can hear it and mine came out of the house to see what was the matter. We were all very excited to tell Mom exactly what we had done because we had practically defied the laws of physics with our experiment in low orbit flying. By this time we noticed that the youngest was in a pain that was longer lasting than just a bump or bruise might have caused. Mom took him inside to examine him and we were admonished not to jump on the water bed again. We moped around that afternoon and into the evening. Younger brother was still in a lot of pain and Dad said it might be time to take him to a doctor. They left and that morning we found out that younger brother had broken his collar bone. Dad took the water bed, drained it and threw it away. We were compelled to be nicer and think about the potential consequences of our actions next time. We didn't have the water bed any more so how could there possibly be a next time?

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