Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I was small and my older sister was big. We had friends in the neighborhood who would come and play with us and we occasionally had a game where all of us played together. Baseball was one of these. We didn't have a bat so we used a piece of wood that was mostly round. My sister or one of her friends put tape on one end so we knew which end to hold and so we wouldn't get splinters. We had a great time pitching, catching, swinging, and sometimes even hitting. The bases were not regulation as we used mostly landmarks in the yard as bases, a rock for first, a tree for second and a hole in the ground for third, and home was a welcome mat that we pulled from the porch. As the game wore on the stick became more slippery as the tape became more worn down. My sister was the catcher and I was up to hit. I looked at the first pitch but I didn't swing, strike one. I looked at the second pitch but as it was over my head I didn't swing, strike two. I saw the next pitch coming a wonderful pitch right over the base, I swung the bat, connected with the ball and was elated as the ball flew into the outfield. However in my excitement and in my strong back swing I let go of the bat over my shoulder to start running for first. The bat connected with my sisters lip and she let out a howl of pain as she fell to the ground. I was sorry that the bat had hit her but I was more sorry when she said that I did it on purpose. I told her I didn't mean to. Needless to say the game was over as everyone gathered around to help my sister I was left with a great two hitter but no runs scored. My Mom gave my sister a washcloth with ice in it to slow the swelling. She just glared at me over the top of that cloth and was still whimpering a little because of the pain when Mom and Dad said we could go to McDonald's for lunch. She cheered, I cheered, even my younger brothers cheered. We went and ate and my older sister told Mom that she did not think it fair that even though I had caused the pain I still got to enjoy the pleasure of McDonald's. My sister lost the washcloth at the McDonald's.

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